Tuesday, February 28, 2012

so i haven't been posting like  said i would but i have been a little busy school takes up a lot of time i has animal crackers they taste good i eat all the animals even the sheep. i wish they would tell me what the different shapes are supposed to be then i'd know what i was eating. :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So here's post two some more letters are going up today and a new podcast room is running so that will be beneficial to us to get to see the opinions of locals and whats on there minds.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome to the Anime Headquarters blog

So since this is our first entry I may as well tell you what we are. I am Sabriel Misa founder of Anime Headquarters at www.animeclubeast.wetpaint.com where we will host lots of videos and podcasts as well as manga images so you can both watch and read you favorite anime/manga. we are a work in progress that means that at the time of this article the site is not at its future glory.
So were also adding a blog so you can always keep up with us because well we like to keep you posted and entertained.
The plan is four events a year with for now a five dollar entry fee each day however members get in one day free we don't yet know if this will be per event or per year. Do make note you will have to make your own lodging and driving as well as food plans 5 dollars just gets you in. Most events will have art and costume pieces for sale. There will also be showings of different animes and the ability to read manga as well as cosplay contests. Our events were postponed this year and for that we apologize but we could not see hosting events with the few members we have it was just too expensive for us to attempt with the budget we have next year we hope to start running events again. thank you for your time and see you next time.